Tuesday 22 March 2011

Proper Skin Care for Oily, Dry, and Sensitive Skin

By Helen Short

The choice to improve your skin care is a good one. Don't let your skin care regimen damage your skin, make sure you are getting the products meant for your skin type. An aspect often forgotten when considering skin care is your diet. Avoid fried foods as much as possible, and also avoid eating highly processed foods that are loaded with chemicals. There are of course more tips available, keep reading to hear a few of them.

People with oily skin have a specific set of challenges that they need to overcome every day. The skin care routine you use needs to be very simple. You should use a gentle soap and water approach to cleansing your skin a few times every day. Don't go overboard when you wash. When you scrub too hard and use too much soap you are likely to scrub off all of the naturally made oil in your skin.

When you are taking a shower or simply washing your face pay close attention to the temperature of the water you are using. You may not know that dermatologists recommend water no warmer than lukewarm for facial cleansing. If the water is more than tepid it can remove too much of the oil in your skin causing it to dry out. The shock of cold water on your skin can also cause capillaries to be broken.

When you wash your face in the morning, all you really need to do is apply slightly warm water.

With all of the toners that are on the skin care shelves these days it is easy to get confused about the product and whether or not you actually need it. So what should you do? There is no real straight answer concerning these products and even expert opinions differ on the matter. The one thing everyone agrees about is toner's ability to get rid of the oil on your face. If your skin is dry, you don't need toner. Toner could, however, be quite useful if you have oily skin. But even those with oily skin should never, ever completely strip the oil from their face. This is a major skin care mistake that can damage your skin and make it even oilier.

Good skin care is imperative no matter what kind of skin you have because all skin is susceptible to damage. If you don't know what your skin type is, ask a qualified beautician to give you an expert opinion. The beautician can help you put together a good skin care routine but look out for marketing schemes and up-sells that you do not need. Once you know what kind of a routine to follow you might have to try out a few different products to find the ones that work for you.

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