Sunday 20 March 2011

Top 3 Recipes For Healthy Living

By Tamera Bennett

Did you know that the body demand 22 different types of vitamins and minerals every day? They are all very vital to the management of our weight. And if we are reaching for that goal of slimming down, all we have to do is to consume levels of these vitamins which are sufficient enough; and fortunately for us, they are available in most of the healthiest food that we might have in order for us to lose weight naturally.

Lots of people may say it but, there is no one perfect diet for us all to follow to get to that dream weight. Since it is a fact, and will always remain to be one, that we need to take and consume different foods from the different food groups so that we will eventually meet all the needed nutrients that our body needs. This is so that it may maintain its figure and weight.

And if you are now asking about the specific food among the three recommended food groups that you can eat so that you will have a guide, consider the following. Just don't forget that there's really no specific rule of the thumb that we have to strictly follow, but let me assure you that these foods will ultimately help you in your weight management.

* Acai Berry-this is known as one of the super foods in the world. Many refer to it as a super fruit also. It's a fruit that is being highly promoted since it has so many different vitamins and minerals, especially the antioxidants that our bodys need to repair damaged cells. This has also been proven great for cleansing and detoxifying your body, too.

* Kale-this is once known as somewhat as a lowly garnish; but then it has shown to be a powerhouse of nutrients, in the long run. In fact, eating one raw kale contains a sufficient amount of fiber and only 34 calories. It has also shown to be great sources of calcium and iron; and although its flavor is not that appealing to the taste buds, it will be eventually yummy as you get used to it. Not to mention that it is very nutritious too.

* Whole Grains - Grains such as pastas and rice and other kinds of refined grains. Millet and whole wheat are very rich in protein and with the sufficient amount of fiber that is needed by our body in getting rid of any unwanted pounds. Another goodness of whole grains is that it is easier to digest.

Whatever it is that is happening to the world now, the repeated word and phrase (mantra to some people) is to eat more so that we will lose weight. But then this "more" is not just any food, they have to be the right and the nutritious ones. Eating the best of the foods can help us retain our figure and slim down to become the person we want to be.

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